Michael W. Langston

Mike Langston, Professor of Practical Theology
Dr. Michael Langston
Professor of Practical Theology
Professor of Practical Theology

Dr. 兰斯顿出生在阿拉巴马州的伯明翰,但在路易斯安那州的拉斐特长大. 他就读于拉斐特的路易斯安那大学, 获得了路易斯安那州的橄榄球奖学金. 1975年,他进入了USMC的PLC军官调试计划. 他毕业于UL,获得理学学士学位.S.) 1977年获教育学学位,其后获委任为少尉. in the United States Marine Corps. In 1983, then Capt. Langston USMC, 辞去现役军官职务,随后接受预备役, serving Marine Corps Reserve units in Raleigh, NC and Greenville, SC. Dr. 兰斯顿毕业于东南浸信会神学院,获得神学硕士学位.Div.) in Theology and Pastoral Care. 1987年至1988年,他在北卡罗来纳州布里瓦德的樱桃菲尔德浸信会担任牧师.

Dr. 1988年6月,兰斯顿从海军预备役被召回现役,担任美国海军牧师. His service as a U.S. 海军牧师包括海军陆战队第29飞机大队的旅行, MCAS New River, NC; Marine Wing Support Group-27, MCAS Cherry Point, NC; Air Combat Element Chaplain, Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm on board USS Guam (LPH 9); Command Chaplain, USS Chosin (CG 65), Pearl Harbor, HI; Command Chaplain, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Yorktown, VA; Deputy Command Chaplain/Command Chaplain, Naval Air Station Keflavik, Keflavik, Iceland; Deputy Division Chaplain, 2d Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC; student, The Naval War College, Newport, RI.; Advanced Course Officer, Naval Chaplains School, Newport, RI.; Director, Operational Ministry Center, Norfolk, VA; Theater Chaplain, Combined Forces Command–Afghanistan (CFC-A), Kabul, Afghanistan; Division Chaplain, 2d Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, NC; the Force Chaplain for II MEF (Fwd) in Al Anbar Province (Fallujah), Iraq; Commanding Officer, Naval Chaplaincy School and Center, Ft Jackson, SC; and Executive Director of the Armed Forces Chaplaincy Center, Ft Jackson, SC. 在服役36年后,他于2011年9月1日从现役退休. Dr. Langston目前担任南卡罗来纳州警卫队的副指挥官.

He has two earned Doctorates, a Ph.D. 毕业于苏格兰阿伯丁大学(2019年),并获得博士学位.Min. from Bethel Theological Seminary (1996), Saint Paul, 硕士学位,主修军事牧师和教牧关怀. 2003年,他毕业于美国海军战争学院(Newport, RI),获得文学硕士学位.A.国家安全与战略研究学位. Dr. Langston还获得了海军指定师,海军教育硕士培训专家. Additionally, 他在勒琼营完成了海军陆战队指挥和参谋JPME研讨会课程, NC.

他的个人奖项包括荣誉军团勋章, Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), 海军陆战队嘉奖奖章(三枚), Army Commendation Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medal (two awards), Combat Action Ribbon, Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Expert Rifle Medal, Expert Pistol Medal, and various unit citations and campaign ribbons.

Dr. Langston joined the faculty of CIU’s Seminary & School of Counseling in 2011. 作为一名神学院教授,他建立了牧师计划,并从那时起一直教授牧师事工和实践神学. Dr. 兰斯顿曾在特兰西瓦尼亚县治安部门担任执法牧师.北卡罗来纳州布里瓦德和里奇兰县治安部门. in Columbia, SC, a Sports Chaplain with NASCAR (MRO), a Healthcare Chaplain at Baptist Medical Center, Columbia, SC, a Disaster Relief Chaplain with SC State Guard, 并在美国海军担任军事牧师. 他是由美南浸信会任命和认可的. 他的妻子是南卡罗来纳州格林维尔的前凯西·李·琼斯博士. 他们结婚38年,育有3个成年子女和3个孙辈. They reside in Blythewood, SC.


  • PhD, University of Aberdeen
  • DMin, Bethel Theological Seminary
  • MDiv, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • MA, The Naval War College
  • BS, University of Louisiana


  • Langston, Michael W., Mark Jumper, and Steve Keith. Chaplaincy: 2023. A Comprehensive Introduction. Ada: MI: Baker Academic Books. 
  • Langston, Michael W. 2023. “对卡尔·马兰蒂斯(Karl Marlantes)的书《澳门新葡京娱乐》的反思.’” The U.S. Army Chaplain Corps Journal, May 2023: 31–32.
  • Langston, Michael W. and. Kathy J. Langston. 2023. From Despair to Hope: A Forty-Day Devotional, 2nd Edition. Newport RI: Stonetower Press.
  • Langston, Michael W. and. Kathy J. Langston. 2022. 《希望之旅:治愈心灵创伤, 2nd Edition. Newport RI: Stonetower Press.
  • Langston, Michael W. 2021. 《牧师——预备事工的专门途径》.” Didaktikos: Journal of Theological Education; Vol. 5, issue 1 (September).
  • Langston, Michael W. 2021. 虚拟学习环境的机会:在线博士课程的最佳实践.” In 虚拟学习环境和全球工作场所的发展, ed. 斯蒂芬妮·斯沃茨、贝伦·巴博萨、伊兹·克劳福德和苏珊·拉克(宾夕法尼亚州好时:IGI全球出版公司).
  • Langston, Michael W. 2019. 确立福音神学对福音派军事牧师牧职实践影响的现实意义:一种建构主义的扎根理论方法. 论文,阿伯丁大学,阿伯丁,苏格兰,英国.
  • Langston, Michael W. 2017. “Forward.” in 基本的牧师技能:发现提供优秀的精神关怀的有效方法,基思·埃文斯,布卢明顿,伊利诺伊州:西弓出版社:vii-x.

[Curriculum Vitae]