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你是否热衷于帮助非英语母语者熟练掌握英语? Do you have a calling to teach English as a second language in the United States or in a language institute or university in China or the Middle East? 澳门新葡京网站TESOL文学学士学位课程 can equip you with the skills you need to pursue a career in teaching English as a second language. 全世界每天都有数以百万计的人注册英语课程, 对合格英语教师的需求很高.

在这个节目中, you will receive excellent training in various areas of English language teaching to prepare you to become an excellent English teacher. 你将学习语言学课程, 语法, 教学方法, cross-cultural communication and other related topics to gain a thorough understanding of language acquisition and effective language teaching. 通过课堂教学和实践经验, 你将学习如何设计和讲授引人入胜的英语课程, 相关有效.

除了, you will have opportunities to gain practical experience through supervised teaching experiences and internships. 这些经历将使你能够将你所学到的知识应用到现实世界中, 与不同的人群合作, 磨练你的教学技巧. 通过完成这个项目, you will be well-equipped to pursue a variety of career opportunities both in the United States and internationally.

Dr. 乔LeTexier


澳门新葡京网站TESOL文学学士学位课程, 拥有40年的经验, is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to be an effective TESOL teacher. You will learn from professors who have not only a deep understanding of linguistics and teaching techniques, 同时也有教授英语作为第二语言(ESL)的实际经验.

Our program is rooted in the belief that effective TESOL teaching involves not only language instruction, 还有文化意识和敏感性. 作为这个项目的学生, 你将学习语言学课程, 语法, 教学方法 and other topics that are necessary for you to become a knowledgeable and culturally sensitive English teacher. You will also have the opportunity to apply what you have learned through practical experiences, 比如教学实习和观察的机会.

拥有CIU的TESOL文学学士学位, 你将为在各种环境下教授英语做好准备. Whether you have a desire to teach in a language institute or university in China or the Middle East, 或者在美国教英语作为第二语言, this program will give you the tools you need to make a positive impact on the lives of your students.


有了TESOL的文学学士学位,你可以去世界任何地方教英语. Universities and language institutes in the Middle East and Asia hire English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers. Often, in addition to a salary, universities and language institutes will provide room and board. 这是一个看世界的好机会, serve in another country as an English teacher and even pay down student loans in the process!

Students with the BA in TESOL can also teach English as a Second Language (ESL) to international students, 北美的移民和难民. 人道主义组织和私立语言学校也聘请英语教师. 


  • 在国际大学教授英语. 
  • 在世界各地或北美的语言学院教英语. 
  • 在美国的私立学校系统里教儿童和青少年英语. 
  • 向世界各地或北美的成年难民和寻求庇护者教授英语. 
  • 攻读博士学位,为大学生涯做准备, 神学院和大学水平的教学, 无论是在美国还是在国外. 



除了 to the undergraduate core, here are degree specific-courses you can expect to take:

  • 教育基础课程

    这门课程是历史的介绍性研究, 社会, 哲学, 心理, 以及教育的教学“基础”, 专为那些准备成为专业教育工作者. 您将开发的工具,以阐明个人的教育理念, with an emphasis on the 社会 context of urban schools and an understanding of biblical principles relating to education.

  • ICS 3140文化人类学

    在本课程中, you will study cultural anthropology for the purpose of equipping followers of Christ to be competent interpreters of culture in 21st Century global contexts.

  • ICS 3300圣经宣教神学

    You will engage in a comprehensive study of the biblical foundation for mission as it relates to the church's missionary obligation before God to the world in both word and deed. Special attention will be given to exposing you to important issues within evangelical missiology today.

  • ICS 4110跨文化实习准备

    本课程为ICS 4930前学期跨文化研究专业的必修课程. 你将在精神上、心理上和后勤上为实习做好准备. (实习经历需要提前批准和注册.)

  • ICS 4400跨文化研究中的实践技能发展

    本课程旨在为您提供学科内的事工技能经验, providing opportunity for you as an upperclass student to gain competency and confidence within related vocations. Experiential learning requirements are defined by your program and assessed by the program faculty. 一个学分单位需要至少50个小时的直接经验, 并且需要顾问的批准. 可重复的.

  • LNG 4710语言教学的理论基础

    本课程介绍英语教学的原则和实践. 它考察了语言教学和学习的理论和实践, 尤其是英语教学, focusing on research-based practices and strategies for teaching K-12 as well as adult English language learners. Students will also learn the principles of curriculum development and assessment for language programs. (3)

  • LNG 4930 TESOL实习

    The Internship is an intensive experience in teaching English to speakers of other languages, 通常在大三之后举行. It focuses on developing skills and techniques while applying language teaching theory and principles. (3)

  • MSD 1210呼召与工作的基础

    在本课程中, you will explore the biblical and theological foundations for vocation with an eye toward your own future career interests. 你会反思你选择的专业和, 当你开始攻读学位的时候, 为你未来的职业定位制定一个计划(3).





  • 在国际大学教授英语. 
  • 在世界各地或北美的语言学院教英语. 
  • 在美国的私立学校系统里教儿童和青少年英语. 
  • 向世界各地或北美的成年难民和寻求庇护者教授英语. 
  • 通过攻读博士学位,进入大学从事学术工作, 神学院和大学水平的教学, 无论是在美国还是在国外. 



TESOL是向说其他语言的人教授英语的缩写. It is an umbrella term used to describe the practice of teaching the English language to non-native speakers in countries where English is not the primary language. In the past, TESOL was referred to as TEFL, which means Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TESOL这个词现在更常用, 它还包括向非母语人士教授英语的各种形式, 不管他们的位置和环境如何.


ESL代表英语作为第二语言. It is a term used to describe the process of teaching English to non-native speakers who live in an English-speaking country, 比如美国, 加拿大, 或澳大利亚. ESL的目标是帮助非母语人士熟练掌握英语, 哪些可以提高他们的沟通技巧, 教育和工作机会.


英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言, 它是国际商务中使用的主要语言, 旅行和外交. Millions of people around the world desire to learn English because it can help them enter the global workforce, 在英语国家找到薪水更高的工作,接受更高的教育. 另外, 英语是科技和互联网的语言, 对于任何想要在数字时代有效沟通的人来说,它都是必不可少的.


在TESOL领域有许多不同类型的工作. 一些例子包括在大学里当英语老师, 私立语言学院, 12年义务教育学校, 或者做家教. 另外, TESOL专业人员可以担任课程开发人员, 项目董事, 教师培训师和顾问. TESOL专业人员也可以在非营利组织工作, 政府机构, 或者跨国公司.


If you have school debt, there are still opportunities to work in TESOL and pay down your loans. Many universities and language institutes around the world offer English teaching jobs that include a salary, 还有食宿. 这意味着作为一名英语教师在国外生活和工作是可能的, 同时还能赚钱偿还你的学生贷款. 另外, some TESOL programs offer loan forgiveness or loan repayment assistance programs to graduates who work in underserved communities or low-income schools.



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